My name is Vanessa and I am your independent escort from the metropolitan region around Frankfurt am Main. My classic feminine features – the full lashes that encircle my green eyes, my crimson lips and my tender freckles will enchant you just as much as my elegant womanly silhouette. When the moment is right, I will be delighted to share my great passion for refined French lingerie with you and if you allow me to, I will discover the private proclivities that are hiding inside your heart. As a well-travelled academic, I take great pleasure in profound conversations of all kinds and I will be happy to accompany you to special events or on your trip - be it for business of for pleasure. I thoroughly enjoy having dinner with you in a sophisticated atmosphere while discovering new wines and expanding my culinary horizon. At all times, compliance with the proper etiquette is a matter of course. If you are interested in finding out more about my affinities, feelings and impressions, feel free to browse through my personal website!